Upcoming events.
First Step Sneaker Contest
The RedWell Foundation presents the First Step Sneaker Contest featuring Chicago Excel Students!
Holiday Jam Community Concert
Tis the Season!! Get Ready for the Holiday Jam Community Concert feat. Chicago’s own Korporate & Friends!! Saturday, Dec. 21st, 6pm @ John B. Drake Elementary
Sponsored in part by The Red Well Foundation.
2024 GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION EXPO hosted by Strides for Peace
Strides for Peace is dedicated to increasing the collective impact of nonprofits working to stop gun violence and create a stronger Chicago. To that end, they work to empower existing community organizations, promote collaboration and elevate solution-driven dialogue of those on the front lines of ending gun violence.
Music Business: Foundations — Every Wednesday
Music Business: Foundations taught by Certified Music Business Executive, Sherri Jae, is a program that provides an Introduction to Music Business.
First Step Sneaker Clinic - Every Tuesday
First Step Sneaker Clinic, is an exciting and innovative educational program designed to engage and empower students around the country.